@nelson.dialect & @bigbobpattison release a new cartoon along with Milano Constantine, they deliver some animated visuals for their hot single "Play Your Position" Available on youtube and social platforms. "A Scenic Glitch" Available on all digital outlets. Tapes, CD's, Vinyl and merch along with 3 exclusive bonus tracks available only at www.elitesoundinternational.com.
The animation was created by @tenth.dan
A Scenic Glitch Available on all digital outlets today.

Nelson Dialect and BigBob team up to bring you a pleasingly graceful and stylish project. The elite duo deliver a pristine 11 track EP. Dialect recites cunning and technical lyricsm on this glitch of an EP while visionary producer BigBob creates a melodic back-drop to challenge and make Dialect re-examine his concept and delivery.The two recruit some reputable artists to feature such as Sadat X of Brand Nubian, AG of D.I.T.C, Planet Asia & Milano Constantine.So sit back, relax, take in the scenery and glitch out to this exceptional piece of work.
CD, Vinyl, Cassette & Merch available exclusively atwww.elitesoundinternational.

@bigbobpattison @nelson.dialect @ldonthecut @planetasiamedallions @c75live
@BigBobPattison @nelsondialect @LDontheCut @planetasia @c75live