"Major Appreciation is hard as hell from BigBob Pattison and Mars Noel, Off Top lick a shot, discharge a shell from BigBob Pattison and Mars Noel."
Introducing Elite sound International's most recent signee for their first release, avant-garde and obscure lyricist, Mars Noel pairs with visionary producer BigBob to show major appreciation and give thanks for better opportunities and possibilities. Mars Noel displays his lyrical weaponry as he picks apart producer BigBob's smooth golden era soundscape with precise and conscious lyricism. The end result is an instant classic perfect for cruising in the whip.
Available on All Digital Outlets today so sit back relax and enjoy the vibe.
Visit our websiite at www.elitesoundinternational.com
An Independant Release from Elite Sound International 12.11.2022
@bigbobpattison @itsmarsnoel
@BigBobPattison @ItsMarsNoel