Visionary Producer BigBob continues to apply the pressure since he has returned releasing over 30 songs in the past 6 weeks. This time he's with Crownheights, James Brown Of The Underground, Sean Price Protege, frequent collaborator Ruste Juxx alongside fellow BootCamp affiliate VVS Verbal on this visual walk through Brooklyn. The two of them pick apart BigBob's nostalgic, golden-era heat rock, with precise precision and classic bars. Assisted by none other than ESI's man on the scratch LDonTheCut.
Vinyl, CD & Merch are available exclusively at
An Independant Release from Elite Sound International 12.22.2022
@bigbobpattison@elitesoundinternational @ruste_muthafuckin_juxx @vsverbal @ldonthecut
@BigBobPattison @rustejuxx357@VvsVerbal @EliteSoundIntl @LDontheCut
Mp3 Clean & Dirty Available Upon Request